Casolare Il Condottiero


Tourist Events



October – April
Theatre season 
Municipal Theatre 

carnevale al boscatello

Carnevale al Boscatello
Loc. Boscatello


1 – 31 May
Maggio Castiglionese
Old Town

National Piano Competition
Municipal Theatre

June – September
Castiglionese Summer

3rd week in June
“Palio” week
Old Town

3rd Sunday in June
Palio dei Rioni
Piazzale Garibaldi

1st week in July
Archaeology week
Museum and Archaeological walk (night opening)
Old town 

In September (every two years)
Fashion show under the Tower
Piazza del Municipio

30 November
Tuscan Festival

December – January
Christmas with Us

December – January
Live nativity scene
Old Town

Easter Week
Tuesday, Wednesday, Good Friday
Night Processions
Old Town

Easter Week
Thursday and Sunday every two years
The Passion of Christ
Piazzale Garibaldi

Easter Midnight
Race holding statue of Christ
Chiesa della Collegiata

4th Sunday of the month (except January, February, July and August)
Castiglion Fiorentino mette la quarta
Exhibition of old, used objects, gastronomic and wine specialities, folklore.
Old town

Civil Celebrations 


2nd March
Commemorative day in memory of E. Petri
Piazza della Stazione – Emanuele Petri

25th April
Feast of Liberation
Parade and wreath placing to the War Memorial 

2nd Giugno
National Holiday

11st September
Commemorative day in memory of the victims of terrorism and violence.
Monument given by the American students, Via Trento

2nd November

Mass in the memorial to the War dead.
Palazzo Comunale

4th November
Feast of army corps
Parade and wreath

Commemorative day in memory of the victims of the bombing of the 19th december 1943
Chiesa di S. Filippo P.ta Romana

Feast of the Saint Patrons


2nd Sunday after Easter
Feast of San Vincenzo
Loc. Pieve di Chio

25th  April
Feast of San Marco: Donkey race
Loc. La Nave

1st Sunday in May
Feast of the Cross
Loc. Mammi

8th May
Feast of San Michele – Patron of the city
Chiesa della Collegiata – Porta Romana

2nd June
Feast of Madonna delle Grazie
Chiesa di San Michele Arcangelo – Loc. Orzale

3rd Sunday of June
Feast of Madonna delle Grazie
Chiesa della Madonna delle Grazie del Rivaio

Last Sunday in August
Feast of Madonna del Bagno
Loc. Santuario del Bagno

8th September
Feast of Croce
Loc. Manciano

The nearest Sunday to 8th September
Feast of Madonna di Riccardi
Loc. Montecchio

The nearest Sunday to 11st November
Feast of San Martino
Loc. Ristonchia

Local Festivals


5th January
Kindly old witch who brings children toys at Epiphany 

8th May
Cakes Festival and Flower Fair
Piazza del Collegio

2nd and 3rd weekend in May
Le Taverne della Lupa (Typical wine and food)

3rd Saturday in June
Propitiatory dinner 

Summer time
Trofeo «Il Cassero»: night Mountain Bike competition in the old town 

8th December
Chestnut feast 

Saturday preceding the 4th Sunday in May
Medieval Feast  

4th Sunday in May
Baptism of quarter  

3rd Saturday in June
Propitiatory dinner  

3rd and 4th weekends in October
Bacchus Feast 

Sagre paesane


Castiglionese May
Boar Festival
Foro Boario

Last weekend in June and 1st weekend in July
Pizza festival
Loc. La Nave

3rd Saturday in July
Bishop’s Festival
Loc. La Nave

2nd and 3rd weekends in July
Ostrich Festival
Loc. Manciano

2nd and 3rd weekends in July
Boar Festival
Loc. Noceta

3rd Sunday in July
Feast of the reaping
Loc. Montecchio

Last weekend in July first weekend in August
Frog Festival
Loc. Brolio

15th August
Feast of the “Chainina” steak
Loc. Montecchio

3rd Sunday in October
Chestnut Festival and barrow race
Loc. Montecchio